Help end sexual exploitation in your community.
Equipping everyday people to prevent exploitation before it begins.
Exploitation is happening in your backyard.
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation happens in every county in Minnesota, including the Twin Cities, suburbs, and rural communities. Here’s what it looks like:
▶︎ The Twin Cities is 1 of 13 cities in the US with disproportionately high rates of child sex trafficking.
▶︎ The average age of entry into the commercial sex industry in the Twin Cities is 11-14.
▶︎ On average in our state, a homeless child is asked for sex in the first 48 hours of being on the streets.
▶︎ 5,000 Minnesota middle & high school students have admitted to being sexually exploited.
▶︎ 42 percent of youth in the US have either sent or received a nude text by the age of 14.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
We can end sexual exploitation when we work together.
We equip our community with
knowledge & skills
to prevent sexual exploitation.
We specialize in prevention through:
Community Awareness
We host local events to raise awareness about sex trafficking and exploitation to prevent it before it begins.
We equip people with the critical knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves and those they love.
We partner with other organizations & highlight their work to end exploitation in the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin.
About our team.
Citizens Against Sex Trafficking (C.A.S.T.) was founded in June 2017 by a group of concerned citizens in Washington County, MN who learned that human trafficking and sexual exploitation are not issues that “just takes place over there”, but are realities that take place every day in our own backyard.
We want to be a beacon of information – spreading the truth about the exploitation and trafficking taking place in our own backyard, especially in this technological age, and equip YOU with the knowledge and skills to help put an end to it.
Join the movement to end sexual exploitation
in our community.
Here’s how to get involved.
Fill out our interest form.
Choose from the simple menu of options and let us know how you want to be involved in ending sexual exploitation in your community.
We will connect you.
Based on your interest, we’ll respond with the next steps and our heartfelt thanks for joining our mission.
We will make an impact together.
Your partnership will help end sexual exploitation in the local community before it begins.