Speaker Requests
We equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves.
Our speaker requests for community awareness are always free.
If you, your community group, book club, youth group, business, parent group or faith-based community are interested in receiving one of our presentations you can request a speaker here. Please keep scrolling for more details.
Looking for C.A.S.T. to come to your school? Find out more about our Power Over Predators (POP) curriculum here.
Our community awareness curriculum.
Human Trafficking 101 Training
Training that discusses the definition of human trafficking, signs of trafficking, and helpful ways to respond if you identify those signs of trafficking.
Round Table Events
An overview of local statistics about human trafficking and sexual exploitation in our community followed by an interactive brainstorm session where we discuss practical ways we as a community can take ownership about being part of the solution.
Parent Workshops
Helping parents and caregivers understand what our children are going through and ways parents, grandparents, and caregivers can protect their children.