Districtwide Sexual Exploitation and Response Training (SEART)
A professional development training custom tailored to your school district.
With local statistics, district specific resources, and school district policies.
According to the Department of Social Services, school personnel are the highest reporters of child abuse and neglect (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services et al., 2020).
Please keep scrolling for more details about our districtwide staff training.
Sexual Exploitation Awareness and Response Training (SEART) Modules
There are four online modules designed for all staff who play a role in the education system (bus drivers, recess monitors, lunch staff, school nurses, teachers, administrators, etc.). This training was created with direct feedback from school staff on what they need to feel confident on how to identify and appropriately respond to signs of exploitation among students.
Each voice-over module is a 10-20 minute presentation. Each module has a pre and post assessment to improve retention and provide real life examples.
Module Overviews
Understand the risk factors and warning signs for students
Local statistics
Definitions (exploitation, human trafficking, sexual abuse, sextortion, etc.)
Physiological effects of exploitation
Understand the signs and indicators
Actionable steps to take when shown the signs
Physical, behavioral, and conversational signs
Steps to respond
Understand what holds students back from disclosing
How to communicate with a potential victim
Predator statistics
Power and control
Common trafficking myths
Messages to share with youth
Understand how to confidently and helpfully respond when a student discloses exploitation
What to say vs. what not to say
Mandated reporting
Code of ethics for MN teachers
District specific reporting policy
What Are the Next Steps?
Email C.A.S.T. at info@castmn.org with the subject “Districtwide Staff Training”.
C.A.S.T. will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your customized needs.
C.A.S.T. provides the school district a proposal based on feedback in consultation, sign final agreement & complete payment.
C.A.S.T. will create a tailored presentation within 90 days (timeline is flexible to school district needs).
C.A.S.T. will work with you to integrate SEART into your district’s professional development library (or will work with you if have a different delivery need).
Overview of SEART
Sexual Exploitation Awareness and Response Training (SEART)
Currently in the licensure process, the C.A.S.T. Sexual Exploitation Awareness & Response Training is a four-module lesson that discusses:
▶︎ The Various Forms of Sexual Exploitation
▶︎ Signs of Sexual Exploitation
▶︎ Understanding Abuser Tactics
▶︎ How to Appropriately Respond to Signs and Disclosure of Sexual Exploitation
The training includes:
▶︎ A four-module digital training
▶︎ Pre & post assessments to solidify knowledge with each module
▶︎ A handbook version of SEART for staff who may be triggered by the content
▶︎ A resource guide (including both local and national resources
A four module digital training.
▶︎ Can be added to your staff professional development library
▶︎ Custom tailored to your school district
Designed for all district staff.
▶︎ [ie. teachers, bus drivers, administrative staff, cafeteria workers, etc.]
A victim centered, trauma informed approach to prevention.
▶︎ Follows best practices outlined by experts in the field.
In 2021, 2,396 staff members of District 833 received C.A.S.T.’s training with a fantastic response.
C.A.S.T. interviewed school staff to identify their needs and how they want to learn this information.
▶︎ Timing, structure, situational examples, & practical steps are all included based on staff input.
This training fulfills five MN state statutes and two WI state statutes expected of school districts and school staff.
▶︎ MN 120B.22 Subd. 2
▶︎ MN 120.B.234
▶︎ MN 121A.031 Subd. (4)(10)
▶︎ MN 122A.60 Subd. (3)(5)
▶︎ MN Bill in legislative: the HF 1894 bill
▶︎ WI 118.075
▶︎ WI 118.46 Subd. (1)(a)1-3, 6