Power Over Predators (POP)
We believe education is one of the most powerful tools for prevention.
We equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves.
We want trafficking and sexual violence prevention curriculums integrated into all schools.
Please keep scrolling to find out more about C.A.S.T.’s curriculum for Middle and High Schools.
Our educational curriculum.
Power Over Predators (POP)
Training Includes:
▶︎ Identify & avoid traps predators use
▶︎ Impact of technology on the brain
▶︎ Difference between healthy vs. toxic relationships
Designed for middle & high school students but available for anyone and everyone.
For more information about Power Over Predators, please keep scrolling.
Program Highlight:
Curriculum for Schools, Parents, and Community
▶︎ We present the Power Over Predators (POP), a nationwide curriculum.
▶︎ We host trainings to certify speakers for Power Over Predators. All Power Over Predator presenters through C.A.S.T. have passed a full background check.
Power Over Predators was founded in 2010 to address the growing problem of child abuse, trafficking, and other forms of child exploitation. Our Power Over Predators program is an approved Children’s Internet Protection Act internet safety curriculum and focuses on the lures and tactics used by predators, internet safety, sexting, pornography, cyberbullying, and safe, supportive relationships. It is an engaging multi-media program that has empowered thousands of youth by giving them the skills and courage to stand up to abuse and exploitation, and by making their school a place where abuse is quickly identified and prevented.
▶︎ Interested in becoming a Power Over Predators (POP) presenter? Fill out our volunteer form here and a C.A.S.T. team member will get back to you shortly.
Power Over Predators Lessons
There are five lessons available. Each lesson is designed to fit into one 50-minute class period. Each lesson can be condensed or expanded based on timing needs for schools or community groups. C.A.S.T. can present as many lessons as requested.
This program is designed for 6-12th grade students. View brief descriptions of each lesson to the right.
Presentation Options:
In-Person Classroom Presentations (most often in a health class)
In-Person Assembly Presentations
How Much Does it Cost?
To have C.A.S.T. present Power Over Predators is FREE. The cost is covered by incredible sponsors and donors.
Lesson Overviews
Students will be able to:
Develop goal setting skills and long-term goals
Recognize distractions and ways to stay on track
Describe types of abuse and signs of an abusive relationship
Students will be able to:
Determine whether they are in a healthy relationship
Develop healthy relationships
Develop skills to get out of unhealthy relationships
Students will be able to:
Identify what makes them vulnerable
Understand the tactics of predators
Determine steps to avoid or stop abuse and exploitation
Students will be able to:
Identify how predators use the internet to trap you
Recognize the dangers and consequences of harmful images online such as pornography and sexting.
Determine steps to take to be smart and safe online
Students will be able to:
Identify the warning signs of suicide and the behaviors that increase its threat
Understand the consequences of bullying and cyberbullying
Develop practical skills for avoiding suicide, bullying, and unhealthy relationships, and to get help
Know they are priceless
Want to sponsor a student’s Power Over Predators curriculum? Just $5 can sponsor one student.
If you want to sponsor a classroom, consider donating $120 or $10 a month.
Support a student and donate here.
What Power Over Predator participants are saying.
“I have what it takes to build and maintain healthy relationships”
“I feel empowered”
“When teens’ pictures are spread, I’ll report it”